Incremental statistical analysis

Real-time Regression Analysis of Streaming Clustered Data With Possible Abnormal Data Batches

This paper develops an incremental learning algorithm based on quadratic inference function (QIF) to analyze streaming datasets with correlated outcomes such as longitudinal data and clustered data. We propose a renewable QIF (RenewQIF) method within …

Multivariate Online Regression Analysis with Heterogeneous Streaming Data

New data collection and storage technologies have given rise to a new field of streaming data analytics, including real-time statistical methodology for online data analyses. Most existing online learning methods are based on homogeneity assumption …

Renewable Estimation and Incremental Inference in Generalized Linear Models with Streaming Datasets

This paper presents an incremental updating algorithm to analyze streaming datasets using generalized linear models. The proposed method is formulated within a new framework of renewable estimation and incremental inference, in which the estimates …


A new framework of real-time estimation and incremental inference in generalized linear models with cross-sectional data streams.